Lac operon: Definition from Answers.com
lac operon ( lak prn ) ( genetics ) Three adjacent linked genes which code for the enzymes that act sequentially in lact. ... Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry: ...More results for biochemistry lac operand -
Control of Gene Expression - The Medical Biochemistry Page
themedicalbiochemistrypage.org/gene-regulation.phpFeb 8, 2013 - 1996–2013 themedicalbiochemistrypage.org, LLC | info ... A classic example of a catabolite-regulated operon is the lac operon, responsible for ...More results for biochemistry lac operand
The biochemistry LAC operand and its SYMBOL MACHINE has 2 major formats of output expression.
1) the biochemistry information that researchers and professors provide and that is printed on cellulose paper as college textbooks in biochemistry, molecular cell biology, genetics, etc.
2) Nature's usage of the geography land surface of the EARTH ..... a map. As cities, lakes and other geography areas are discovered .... they need a proper noun LABEL ..... an identifier that can be used when printing road maps of states ... like the STATE of Wisconsin.
How is the name chosen? The humanoids that make the selection of an English language proper noun for a geography entity ..... get a idea in their brain .... this is a good name. What is the source of this idea? Humanoids are composed of biochemistry molecules that think and have molecular feelings, etc ...... and on occasion the molecules send a priority signal to the conscious brain ... to make a certain communications signal VIA a proper noun decision.
Look at Texas A& M university with the heritage of of Robert Gates. Texas AM was named after AMINO acids .... the the AMINO acids within the founder who selected the name. AMINO acid self-awareness at the year 2013 conscious level of biochemistry SYMBOLS and names ..... was not known at conscious level that time in 1876. However, the amino acids at their level of abstraction and knowledge in year 1876 where able to indirectly express themselves thru the AM code ...... while they awaited future generations of amino acid structures (humanoid information output devices) to raise the levels of amino acid subconsciousness to a level of conscious written SYMBOL sentence expressions.
Texas A&M University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
--> the keywords are: Texas AM Rob Gates -->
--> key symbols --> AM ROB Gates
--> abbreviations for Nature's biochemistry systems code -->
AM = AMINO acids
Rob Gates --> microbiology molecular logic gates
Thus we have the molecular Secretary of Defense who denies the existence of the biochemistry battle at Fort HOOD via molecular agent Nidal Hasan.
The fate of Nidal Hasan seriously affects the fate of TEXAS AM university.
Above wee the biochemistry agent code NH --> assigned to Nidal Hasan.
The failure of the Department of Defense to acknowledge this at the trail of Nidal Hasan is serious violation of biochemistry communications protocol and may result in the closing of all TEXAS universities for lack of amino acid intellectual integrity and courage to speak up and explain the situation.
The super-symmetry molecule social engineering code: sulfate --> sul + fate --> the fate / destiny of sulfhydryl group agent NIDAL HASAN and his death sentence ....... will probably cause the death sentence of the Texas AM parallel amino acids .... and their ability to think properly.
The Pentagon was warned about the molecular bio-computer BRAIN language WAR ........
The Mind Has No Firewall - Strategic Studies Institute - U.S. Army
Let's return to Wisconsin and the lAC operand and its geography proper noun expressions in Wisconsin.
The LAC operand messenger VIA the DICK and JANE elementary school biochemistry language book AND the education of Jane Fonda at 37.0 degrees Celsius. Let's look at the chain of concepts.

Dick and JaneDick and Jane were the main characters in popular basal readers written by
William S. Gray and Zerna Sharp[1] and published by Scott Foresman, that were used to teach children to read from the 1930s through to the 1970s in the United States. There is controversy as to plagiarism ....of another work, however, with Gray accused of copying Fred Schonell's ...... books.
Jane Fonda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

City of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
City of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
City of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
City of Fond --> biochemistry consciousness project due --> Lac, Wisconsin
The Lactose Operon—A Look at Regulation - CliffsNotes
Biochemistry : LAC-Operon - Class of 1: Online tutoring

Symbolism - Medical Definition and More from Merriam-Webster

the EXTERNAL geography view of the INTERNAL biochemistry bio-computer map.